TED is always putting out great content, ideas, and much more. I am lucky enough to be attending an event in the Silicon Valley area soon to see TED for my own eyes! Anyways TED is now nominating Global Good Hero’s and who better than to cover it than the...
Protesters have been organizing mass rallies all over the U.S. and abroad and are becoming increasingly more organized and resourceful. According to ThinkProgress.org there is going to be a major conference being held to come up with a list of legislative changes that...
Ron Paul has been getting a lot of press lately. Surrounding topics around him such as the funny parody Ron Paul Swanson which puts sayings from Ron Swanson of Parks and Recreation on top of pictures of Ron Paul. Another person who has been in the race for president...
The today show might get changed up quite a bit soon here as the show is undergoing some NBC sanctioned changes. NBC would like to see both Ryan Seacrest and Matt Lauer on the Today show according to sources such as PerezHilton.com. They really want to get Ryan...
Siri, siri, siri. Oh man have people been talking about the robot. You may now look at me weird for calling Siri a robot if you know what I am talking about because people have been referring to a voice activated software from apple as a she when really it is still a...
Like Fashion? Are you a guy? Are you a girl? No matter what this applies to you. Well then you may want to get a really sweet watch to match your formal attire if you do not already have one. When picking a watch it is good to match the occasion of course but...