Facebook Mobile Phone Apps

The world’s largest social network platform, Facebook of course, recently began working with HTC to create the first ever real “Facebook Phone” according to some un confirmed reports that were recently discussed on Mashable.com. Although many...

Mashable opens The Door for Aspiring Interns

For all of you aspiring writers out there you may want to check out an internship at Mashable. Some of the factors that they include as awesome benefits include your ability to write about great things going on and products around the web as well as being able to hang...

Coverup Lotion Good Enough For A Human Zombie

Today while on Youtube there was an advertisement for a lotion that people with skin problems or tatoos can put on their skin. Although I do not have any skin problems or tatoos there I bet that this could be very useful to cover up bruises from sports and other...

Inside Look at Natalie Woods Star Power

Natalie Wood a very mysterious case. As an 11 year old she had almost drowned during the shooting of a movie when she was thrown off of a bridge. Randomly however she ended up dying in a similar fashion. She had gone from child star to star as an adult although there...