Even the apps that you may download to your smartphone such as an iPhone or an Android may be accessing and storing all of your data such as your contacts, messages, and more and sending it back to their servers without your consent or privelege. One measure that you can take to protect against this happening is to not store information that you cannot risk getting out there. Whether this be on your home computer, business computer, or mobile devices. Even major well known applications have been caught storing information about us that was not necessarily warranted or allowed. Therefore the responsibility lies on us consumers and end users of technology to have our own level of privacy we are willing to accept should things go sour. We suggest using services such as http://www.strongvpn.com/ which allow you to encrypt all of your internet traffic on your phone or computer through a VPN at a very affordable rate. This is one of many measures you can take to prevent third parties from snooping on your data whether through antennas or the actual apps on your system that you may or may not know are there.. or atleast what is really happening in the background. We also suggesting checking out http://www.comodo.com/ which has an entire free suite to download of high end security products all the way from firewall to antivirus, spyware and adware removers and much more.. and all integrated nicely. We urge parents out there to take a pro active role in limiting the information that your children put out there as in the wrong hands it can be used maliciously. Please help inform the world of the privacy concerns that are out there as this is just the tip of the surface but atleast having some protection is better than nothing and can at least help prevent or lessen the effects of major widespread attacks.