So you learned everything there is to learn in college, and you even have some experience in the business world. Your ready to take it up a notch; you want to be thinking executive with everything you do. It takes more than just carrying a Tumi bag ( we love Tumi here and use it all the time ). It takes a true understanding of the strategies you can use in business to improve bottom line, frameworks for examining opportunities and creative prowess to market and brand a firm correctly. This ever so magical combination of practical analytical skills as well as innovative thinking is available to you the world around by getting an MBA or other graduate level education. After completing many years at one of the top 5 ranked business schools and MBA programs at Santa Clara University I can strongly reccommend SCU as a choice for your executive learning. Having learned first hand in these business classes at SCU from professors who were venture capitalists, major business tycoons, philanthropists and more I can attest to the fact that it is a very well rounded education taught by the best of Silicon Valley and abroad.
Stanford University is very close by to SCU as well, if you can get in, and offers amazing networking and resources to those who get in and stay active as Alumni. There are many other choices around the area as well to get an MBA and other advanced degrees. One interesting thing about the program at SCU is that you can complete an MBA and a JD ( law degree ) in 3-4 years! In fact one of my great friends is currently enrolled in a combined program and is learning and connecting at an accelerated pace. There are constantly networking conferences, panels, conventions, and more events in the bay area for you to connect with other executives, entrepreneurs, and capitalists which can become mentors, partners, staff, friends, or anything else you find a fit for… just go out and the connections are there. If you are looking to take your business to the next level or your career opportunities we strongly suggest attending one of these programs to learn and master your business skills… and perhaps maybe you will use them for Global Good!