Giving Good To The Globe:

Kiva’s still changing the world and over $2,061,175 was lent out this week showing that Kiva is making real consistant moves across the world to change peoples’ and communities outlooks. If you are not familiar with Kiva it is a great website that allows...

Global Good Business Plan Competition

We are calling on all Global Good entrepreneurs out there to submit your business plan to the Global Good Group for a chance to win a 12 hour Globalization and Strategy Consulting service from Global Good Media. We are looking for world changing technologies or great...

Get Globally Going GlobalGood Guys & Girls

Today while searching the web on one of our favorite websites, Good.IS ( which reminds us quite a bit of Global Good Group ), we found a great video series. It features all sorts of people talking about what they like whether that be in comedy, film, music or anything...

Are You Really Doing Global Good?

One of our competitors GlobalGoodNews recently had an interesting blurb about the US Obama administration urging new wilderness protection. This is good to hear because we do not want to see all of the worlds’ lands completely overrun by buildings and landlords...