The Santa Clara Entrepreneurship Organization is a great organization I have had the chance to be a part of during my years at Santa Clara University from the first year to the last year during their different events. From visiting headquarters such as Google to shaking hands with people from Facebook and watching great documentaries and networking with others’ this group provides a lot of opportunities for students, grads, and outside entrepreneurs to connect and make some moves.
Here at Global Good Group we are all about enabling people to be as powerful and influential as they can be on their mission to do Global Good and wanted to give some more exposure to this great group. My business partner, Rick Jeffries, even founded an Entrepreneurship organization and club at Georgia State University during his time there and we want to find ways to truly empower individuals and groups to be more free thinking and entrepreneurial. The SCEO group has even featured some of our own contributors here at Global Good Group such as Albert Qian, also known as the Social Media Dude, on facebook twitter and around the web. Various networking opportunities have surfaced through this organization which has allowed our organization ( Global Good Network ) to connect with other influential people in the Valley here and ultimately take this network of Global Good sites to the next level where it is today and on the path towards the future that it is on.
Rock on SCEO, much love from Josh Bois the Global Entrepreneur who wants to thank SCU in every way for giving me a great foundation to continue building the businesses I started in high school!