Republican House Leader Eric Cantor

Republican House Leader Eric Cantor

One of the hot trends on’s search engine right now according to their Google Trend’s page was Eric Cantor at hotness level: Medium. Mainly New York, Ny ( 6% are searching ) and Washington DC ( 5% are searching) are those listed for the hot locations looking this up right now likely due to their political relevance. People are very interested in what is going on with this issue because Eric Cantor stands to potentially gain money from a raise in taxes that Obama might levy against the people with many sources saying this would boost his financial portfolio. This conflict of interest is sparking debate around the nation about the negotiations happening currently over the country’s debt and what is going to happen with taxes. (Photo Credit: TalkMediaNews)

With the current state of the U.S. economy many are very against the idea of raising taxes whether it is to pay off our countries debt to itself and others or to increase jobs. The unemployment rate is still high and people are defaulting on their houses and it is not the right time, at least in my personal opinion, to be raising taxes… especially when some of the stakeholders are financially sound and stand to gain from it. Global Gooders, what are your thoughts?

A great deal of this discussion around these topics and the increased interest rates that may result, lets get some good discussion started.

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