Milton Crea

Milton Crea

Even an article from a quick google search showed an article on that had parents and others discussing their ideas and Milton came up within one of the posts. Rick and I just got off a phone call with Milton’s manager who just initially told us who he was and we were very glad to promote the works of a motivational speaker such as Milton. Milton has had to put a lot of his own money out there to travel and go to speak to so many people all the way from children to businesses and other organizations. I am glad we can help other Global Gooders who are very giving of themselves to help others and the world. Right on Milton! Excerpt from post:

“Anyway, here in Idaho we have had a program called Enough is Enough for the last three years. It’s an anti drug program and a man named Milton Crea comes and host huge anti-drug lectures and one about being a better informed & involved parent. These are some of the things he advocates (and a funny thing is my parents did all of these things plus some more): 1) Meet all of your kids friends and their parents.”

Pure Parents article: