For those of you without iPhones you may want to get one… and not just because it is a great phone but because it also houses some amazing apps. Moreover, this article is really about the app called Instagram, learn more at their site . The app happens to be for iPhones only and there is no web based version. You can share pictures and social network with people but it is truly only for iPhones. This tends to make it more of a closed community even though it is still very much open. You can see people posting and talking about instagram all over the place and even mentioning their instagram on their websites. Instagram is a great app and it just won the “iPhone App of the Year” award from Apple! Apple released a list of their favorite apps and picks for everything such as for music, tv shows, podcasts and more and Instagram made the list. We suggest checking it out you may have a fun time.
Check out THE YEAR 2011 in Instagram photos:
iJustine’s review off the iPhone App Instagram:
DONT DONT DONT forgettt!!! … To add your favorite network, The Global Good Network, on instagram if you have it! Our username is, you guessed it: GLOBALGOOD
That’s right; don’t forget to add us. OUR OFFICIAL INSTAGRAM USERNAME IS: GLOBALGOOD
<3 to all of our Global Gooders out there! You ROCK!