This is about realizing that we are human and can only do so much in this world as well as realizing that we are not perfect and need to unite to really make results. We can collectively come together and make some good decisions and pool resources to help the world. I attached some music for our listeners having to do with being human and making mistakes.

Save The Children USA

Save The Children USA

We must all help each other correct where we are wrong and be the best people we can be and most importantly help each other especially those not just immediately around us and those suffering around the world. Rick Ross the RNB and hip hop artist has a song called I’m Only Human on his Trilla cd and it has some lyrics that made me want to write a Global Good article. “Im only human – I’m a man who makes mistakes”.

So to the Global Gooders out there I wanted to tell you that I am not perfect, I know I am not but I am trying to do my best for Global good here. Yes there is always more I could do… more hours, help more charities, give more money, but I just wanted to tell you all that we over here at the Global Good Group are trying our best and are going to keep trying the best. (Photo Credit: uncultured)

In fact there is a lot more we wish we could do often. We have been in touch with founders of organizations in Africa such as Save The Children. I have already made a global good group blog for them at: and want to bring them some more traffic and exposure so they can get donations and such but it hasn’t helped enough yet. I get calls from the founder late at night ( in Africa it is day time ) but here in the states it is later at night such as 1 or 2 am and I try to speak to him and be uplifting and motivating but I want to push myself that much harder to find ways to help these not for profits and organizations around the world trying to help people.

Wanjala the founder is very motivated to help feed the starving kids and will call me to discuss ideas for how we can help the organization and despite not always being able to get beyond the communication barriers ( quality of phone calls from skype to skype and skype to my cell phone sometimes ) there is also language barriers and education barriers which make it hard to really get down to business and find clear ways to help them. In fact other organizations have reached out to us looking for help in whatever ways we can or seeing aras that we can partner together or collaborate on Global Good projects and ofcourse we never turn them down but sometimes we are hardpress to find enough resources to help everybody.

This is the global Good Group and I just wish more people would find us and read into what we are trying to do here and help us help more people. It breaks my heart to have to tell orgnization founders such as Wanjala of Save The children that there is nothing I can do until Global Good Group gets more volunteers or resources or investments or sponsors to spread marketing, technology, knowledge, human and capital resources around to the world in places it is most needed.

Here is my call to the world, help us help you.

-Josh Bois, Global Good Group