All things that are open source are pretty awesome in our view. HP is about to make its new webOS software open-source. This may mean that it can enjoy some more mass adoption than otherwise possible such as its competitor Android from Google. Open Source allows many more people to improve and innovate on a technology and makes it often times more user friendly and transparent. We are glad that HP is making this move and wish that more operating systems and companies would start open sourcing their software. We agree there is some importance in having some products that are closed source and often that is necessary for certain commercial products to remain secure and safe but feel that there are many things out there that could benefit from the collective intelligence of the world. On a side note we are also adding a link about a great book for those of you who want to combine the worlds collective intelligence through programming and make the next world changing app! Great services such as eBay may not seem world changing but they are because they allow people from around the world to get access to customer demand that otherwise would not be there and people are able to better their lives; dont doubt yourself… keep moving forward! Go Global Gooders!!!
WATCH: Hewlett-Packard Will Contribute webOS to Open Source