Many people who have been involved with the Occupy Wall Street movement that has been organizing all over the US and emerged around the world. Those participating are really part of a growing international population of people angry about inequality problems around the world. One of the problems that the movement is going against is that of Globalization… or some of its after effects.
This past week in downtown San Francisco when on a business trip I noticed the protesters for this cause all over the city with picket signs and in many places there would be rows and rows of tents. It is interesting and inspiring to see so many masses of people stand up for what they feel is right and take a pro-active stance at changing the world. Sometimes it may be too difficult to go the regular way submitting petitions and legislature to the major politicians and actually getting noticed. It is sad that it often has to come to people physically crowding areas to get media attention and politicians to notice them. Unfortunately however I am not sure how effective that these rallies are at getting the root causes to be changed.
Here at the Global Good Network we are trying to organize massive people to use very effective and accurate methods of getting attention behind certain causes. Such organizing tools exist as group voting and petitioning online where real numbers and metrics can be delivered and forwarded to major stakeholders and representatives in the political world who can actually take the correct steps to put it in front of congress or other influential groups.
The internet has allowed all of these people to connect and organize around the causes that they support but they often forget that without Globalization we would not even have the internet and many countries would not have major energy and communication technologies that have been developed such as solar power and cell phones.
Globalization is it really so bad?
The general population has been educated over the past few decades quite a bit on what the term Globalization means. In some use cases it has a positive reference but over time I have heard it used in nearly as many or more cases where it has a negative connotation.
I would like to stand up for Globalization’s positive sides while still bringing up some of its negative aspects to further educate the public on what it really means. Part of the meaning and power of Globalization is that products and services that were only available in a few markets are available to many more. We over here at the Global Good Network agree and acknowledge that there are problems with Globalization and it can be more detrimental than beneficial to certain populations than others; but also feel that the net benefit to society may out weight some of that. It is just an opinion and is by no means some fact that we have measured statistically as this is a problem that has many factors that are hard to measure such as Quality of Life / Happiness of people affected by Globalization. Furthermore, a great deal of the firms in existence that are Globalizing may be private and do not release information about their employees or consumer affairs very often or only reveal what portrays them in a positive light.
Products and services such as Facebook, Twitter, and even Microsoft Windows would not exist had firms not decided to “Globalize” and do business abroad for mass use of their creations. I believe that many would agree with us that these have changed the world’s ability to be more productive and engage in knowledge sharing through standardized tools such as Microsoft Word documents and online tools like Google docs. Knowledge sharing networks like Wikipedia, which exist in multiple languages and countries, are allowing the entire world to learn at accelerated rates and learn younger.
When problems arise or in negotiation one of the important steps is always to look at the pros and the cons of solutions and look for as many win wins as possible. Given, it is not necessarily possible for that to exist in every situation though it is ideal, there is still quite a few many steps that we can take to make Globalization more positive. Groups such as NAFTA and the WTO partially exist to help ensure there is as much balance as possible. Organizations, just like humans, are not perfect and make mistakes and corruption does exist. It is important that
I have been personally going by the slogan, Mr Globalization, for a little while and even registered a website ( ), a twitter ( @mrglobalization ), and a facebook ( ). My reason for doing it is the upside of what Globalization can provide. I believe technology, information, and resource sharing among countries is key to helping prevent disease, and raise the education levels around the world. I still believe in cultures keeping their main essence and not necessarily becoming a “one world government, one world economy, or as some groups such as the free masons call it, a new world order” but feel there is a lot to gain. The current system of countries and different governments allows each region to have checks and balances which is quite important because every country has had its own crises and terrible problems which would be horrible if everybody suffered the same problems all at once… there would be no backup or support. This is a complex problem and no one person or group can really have the perfect answer that can address all of the needs and concerns of the entire world however we should do our best to protect and improve the lifes of as many people as possible.
More Info on Globalize Wall Street here: