In recent Japanese news there was an October plan to give away around 10,000 flights for people to come tour and visit Japan which has now been canceled. Initially the project was titled “Fly to Japan!” and seemed like an interesting idea to spark some foreign interest in the country. They were hoping to get 10,000 people that were likely to go to the attractions and share the experiences back in their relative towns and homes, online accounts, etc as to get some extra press and buzz going on. An official announcement from the JTO killed the deal though ( ). They were trying to make it an official government draft budget for 2012 but it just did not pass through the hoops to success.
The plan comes after the major disasters have hit Japan and they are looking to get a revival of their tourism back as many of their attractions are fully functional and fine whether they were untouched by the tsunami or have been rebuilt. Bottom line, lets help out Japan and let people know that they should go check it out!
Thank you to Google Reader for helping me find this interesting story to write about.
Read more news about the 10,000 free flight to Japan deal on here: