Greenjets is a great site and firm that allows people to share the cost of private Jet rides together which helps reduce CO2 and additional auto CO2 from extra travel and inefficient routes. Although it is unfair of us to expect businesses and individuals to completely cut out a lot of the habits and needs they have which may not be the most eco friendly, sustainable, or green… we strongly believe here at the Global Good Network that the minimization of the harmful effects to our world is possible with some effort. Companies such as this are helping reduce hundreds if not thousands or tens of thousands of unnecessary extra  flights a year.

Why private jets? Private Jets allow individuals and businesses to travel quicker and land in local and community airports rather just the major airports which can help save plane and auto fuel from additional travel.

When I was young I remember taking private planes quite frequently to reduce the travel time often for vacations and such and recall utilyzing several smaller local and community airports such as in San Diego and throughout Northern California. The capital investment has already been made to build, maintain, and operate these local ports and I feel that they should be utilized more often to optimize flight routes to be more environmentally efficient. For example flying into John Wayne airport in Irvine, Ca when you live close to there versus flying into Los Angeles International Airport ( better known as LAX ) and then also putting more CO2 auto fumes into the air. Together as a world we need to reduce our carbon output significantly and Greenjets is one way to begin. -JBois


Some Information on their Fleet:

“ARG/US Platinum/Gold safety rated operators.”

“Mostly Hawker 400, 800, 1000 Gulfstream IV, and Challenger 300 series jets.”

“65 jets in the preferred operator fleet, and growing.”

Also noted is that they use Hassle-free community airports, fast, and comfortable private jets.


Travel Deals and Budgets that wont break the bank

“We fly private from New York to Florida for only $2,100 each!!”

Compare their pricing:


How GreenJet stacks up against other Private Jet accessing methods:

 *Information provided on their website on the compare page*

Flight example between New York and Florida:

  • Greenjets Compared to Aircraft Charter: Save $5,000 – $7,000
  • Greenjets Compared to Jet Cards: Save $9,000 – $11,000
  • Greenjets Compared to Fractional Ownership: Save $16,000 – $18,000
“Let Greenjets show you how to save time flying on a business jet, save money compared to jet cards, fractional ownership, and jet charter, planet with our Shared-ride private jet service. You may even save money compared to first class ticket prices on the airlines, while flying in luxury and convenience on a corporate jet.”




Read about the latest research Gulfstream Jet:


Some other Jet articles on Global Good Group:

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