Gorontalo, Indonesia

Gorontalo, Indonesia

An earthquake recently hit at 12:22 pm in Indonesia with the epicenter being roughly 66 kilometers (KM) southeast of Gorontalo. The time is Jakarta Time ( 0522 GMT ) and the quake managed to have a depth of 147 km. As the Global Good Group we are here to connect the world’s information and people and protect people and want the world to know about this quake in Indonesia so that these people are kept in your thoughts and prayers. Quite often these little tragedies are forgotten and not given all of the attention they deserve and we wanted to make sure that this issue got some press as there are very likely many people and families that have been displaced by this disaster. It seems only when something is of major tragedy does the United States and world press outlets release the information about it, which does make sense, but anyways here it is people. (Photo Credit: Nazir Amin)

Read more at http://www.asiapacificnews.net/story.php?rid=46713490

Initial topic discovered on: http://www.topix.com/world/indonesia/2011/07/quake-jolts-gorontalo-indonesia