Many know Aretha Franklin for her spunk and even having her own private side with relationships. In fact she usually has always been quite private about her significant others and it has been a mystery to the public. Well she must be in love now because she is being quite public with her new engagement and wants to let the world know. I feel you Aretha, sometimes in life you find somebody super special ( I found Ana P. ) and you just want to yell it out on top of a Global Good Network Mountain!

The wedding is planned for the upcoming summer, sometime in the middle of June and July. People has reported that Aretha Franklin has an iconic dress to wear at this special event to match her persona. She will quite likely have a high end designer make it to perfectly fit her. Summer will be beautiful especially in Miami and she seems to be planning a very dreamy wedding out. Popblend on Cinemablend wishes her a happy wedding and good luck and so does the Global Good Group!