Activision is an interesting game making firm that is starting to face some of its own growing pains trying to find the right positioning within the market. Friends of mine who trade their stock quite actively are starting to cast a dark shadow over its’ future and not know where the right direction it should go or where it is going currently. These days game makers are having to split efforts between many platforms such as Xbox 360, Playstation 3, Nintendo Wii, the personal computer ( and Macs ), and more importantly the increasing rise of mobile devices such as Android, iPhone, and tablets such as iPad and Android based models among others. These devices all have different requirements such as screensizes, hardware needs, even the very customers who use them and each game or version must be adapted which can be a financial strain and not always justifiable with the bottom line results afterwards forcing game companies to often limit their releases to their top supported devices.
The company recently released a tweet explaining that they were not entirely sure whether this title would reach computers despite the scheduled release date of the 8th. Their latest game, Modern Warfare 3, has been quite a success having already generated $400 million in revenues in its first 24 hours which shows that there is still some monies to be made in the game industry. The interesting thing about this brand and the industry at large is how they have been able to bring in new audiences and customer segments such as younger kids, adults, and females whom do not usually buy expensive video games or games at all other than perhaps apps on their mobile phones. Their recent game sold over 6.5 million copies and had the social networks buzzing with males and females discussing the game coming out and standing in long lines to get it on time.